I never got enough of Rachel's lychee chiffon but the opportunity opened up for cookie slots and then I landed myself my first bag of cookies straight from her kitchen!
Almost half a kilo of salted egg yolk kisses and I was secretly wondering if this bag would end up all in my tummy or I'd have to share the love.

Piped so beautifully though they were slightly crushed from the tight packaging and crumbly texture.

Be a butter fan and get enslaved to these babies, or never hop on this bandwagon of no return. I am possibly a convert for crumbly butter cookies because suggee cookies are my nemesis and I usually prefer my cookies crunchy.
Salted egg and curry leaves are so beautifully woven into each cookie, the flavours are just so spot on - I would imagine this to be the dessert version of a salted egg dish and the best to date. Leave it on the tongue to dissolve into an addictive creamy mess. I lost count of the number of cookies I had over a single seating, probably enough to send me walking for kilometres.
Twas so good, we fought to finish the last crumb and then wished I bought another bag to stash.
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