I finally encountered Tim Ho Wan's queues in Hong Kong. I refuse vehemently to queue locally and finally had to in the land of dimsum, not that I am complaining at all since it was lunch time to begin with and the queues were moving really quickly anyway.

I chanced upon their dessert kiosk just doors away, great for those who are peckish and want a their sweet treats for tea.

The hongkongers sure have a sweet tooth.

鲜虾烧卖皇 (HKD27)
I suppose siewmais do taste different in Hongkong and with this as a dimsum staple, it is usually a must order.

郊外灼油菜 (HKD20)
Blanched vegetables can only taste so good, yes?

上湯鲜竹卷 (HKD 27)
My first attempt at this strangely, given the number of visits paid to dimsum places.

The closest I have had is perhaps Chan Yee Jai's many yonks ago and this was one for the carnivore. Very crisp despite the gravy and juicy too! The companion said this was reminiscent of his childhood, a really delicious one I say.

家鄉咸水角 (HKD 16)
This was another of those dimsum items that I learnt to love in Hongkong, the savoury sweet batter stuffed with intestines, simply too good to ignore.

酥皮焗叉燒包 (HKD 19)
A classic I must have every visit though it seems to have shrunk in portions.

黃沙豬潤腸 (HKD21)
Another of those classics, the companion insists there are intestines in the liver fillings but I am definitely not complaining. Innards? Only for Ah Chung Mee Sua and this.
I am not so sure if I am dying for another visit, especially so after my visit to Lung King Heen and prices going up every other visit.
Tim Ho Wan
Hongkong Station
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