A Singaporean Waffle Story: Thousand Deli @ Kembangan MRT

Gone are the days where train stations were just train stations or quick takeaways from Cheers. These days, there's a whole lot more food options at train stations with some offering retail therapy outlets to browse after a meal!

I wearily drag my feet to work every morning but am always greeted with an aroma of freshly made bread..and on the way home, of freshly baked waffles. Aroma-therapy?

Cookies that were scrambling for my attention behind the glass. These are huge, would rival Subway's anytime and triumph over them with its chunkiness.

Yam paste walnut cookie
This was totally like mooncake, a teochew one too with the flaky layers and yam paste. Pity the flavours were on the bland side...looked better than it tasted!

Sugee Cookie

It crumbled so easily, fits the bill of a good suggee cookie but yet another dampener with the plain taste.

Made on the spot waffles are my weakest link. These probably do not measure up to the QBread Waffle stands. Fluffy not, chewy not...it ended up too limp with too much green colouring.

I figure fragrances can only bring you so far with these average takeaways. I rather walk further to get better snacks!

Thousand Deli


  1. the waffles from prima deli are pretty good, all light and crisp. do give them a try! note that you should eat them IMMEDIATELY off the stove :)

  2. Prima Deli's waffles are actually quite decent coz they're always made on the spot ala order! I'm not a huge fan of these so I don't eat them often. But when I do, I'll always have the kaya-peanut butter combi spread. This combi is really delicious, even on white bread.

  3. @ stargirl, ice: the problem about prima deli is...they're not available where i am! okay, maybe like 5 streets from my ofc..will give it a try for sure!

    actually, all these made on the spot waffles taste best consumed immed. ;p

    kaya-peanut butter sounds mad delish already.

    For that reason, im kinda looking forward to gg back to work! HEH.

  4. i love prima deli waffles too! the waffles at the basement of west mall, the store beside old chang kee (dunno the waffle shop's name) is also yums (:

  5. the shop's called yummy station delights and yupp! their waffles are nice! not the usual pandan coconut batter, but it sort of reminds me of mcdonald's ice cream cone.. they sell many other stuff too- cute kaya balls with many fillings, waffle hotdogs(many different types!), dorayaki etc. do give them a try!(:

  6. @ yenchong: west mall's sooo far! but i'll remember to visit if im in the vicinity.

    @ annon: oh it changed name? sounds like ure a huge fan of it. heh, kaya balls with fillings sounds yums...


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