Once again, Instagram was the root of this evil. ChangHoSek is a newbie for this year's Mid Autumn and infact, gotten famous because of their signature premium tingkat packaging. I was originally sold on the cute as a button packaging yet the price premium for it was just not justifiable. I guess for gifting, it would be outstanding but personal consumption, it just seemed a tad frivolous.

So then, boxed mooncakes it had to be.

Mao Shan Wang Durian Mooncake ($98, 4 pieces)
Individually sealed and a mere cut revealed a pungent whiff. The first slice made causes quite a dent in the snowskin and yanked the skin from the filling which caused quite an unsightly presentation of the mooncake.

Sticky and somewhat pasty snowskin which ranked this out of the chart for snowskin and the durian filling albeit really pungent was a tad too icy for me.
Maybe I should have left them to thaw a tad longer but I would say stick with the durian big wigs first, until they improve their recipe.
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