I have a love hate relationship with fishballs. I find those in Singapore too bouncy and those in Malaysia lacking bite but that did not stop me from checking out this place just doors away from Tiger's Char Koay Teow. Something had to be going right with tables spilling over the pavements and their flat refusal to even deliver doors away when the coffeeshop doors away was delivering food over!

Pitt Street Char Koay Teow, now relocated.

Ordering was simple but the stoic reactions from both the owner and his wife were mind boggling. Neither acknowledged my order but somehow after all the yelling and shouting from person to person did get me my order eventually.

On national telly with a step by step guide how to make their signature eel fishballs and fish paste.

Everyone seemed to be dousing their noodles with this chilli and soy sauce.

To satisfy our curiosity, we ordered it both in dry and soup. Here's the dry version with copious amounts of dark sauce added.
With the amount of sauce added, this was not much different from the soup version. Taste wise, this was not significantly better since the noodles were soft, and eel fish balls yet another case of unspectacular.
Maybe handmade fishballs are of this tendency, slightly mushy without a bite but I am not sold, unfortunately.

The soup version was not way better, more comforting perhaps but the same signatures did not taste any different.

Eel fish paste that had some bite at least.
Thankfully we made this visit first day into our short trip, it did put us off queueing and waiting unnecessarily for good eats justified by the queues.
Jln Masjid Kapitan Keling Koay Teow Thng
Carnavon Street
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