Hooray to this sprouting all over Bangkok and its outlets are conveniently located at Terminal 21.

I was really tempted to grab a slice but I had to have my honey toast first.

Baby Shibuya Sticky Toffee Toast
me would have opted for the full size but gave into “what if it does
not taste good” suspicions. Drizzled in caramel sauce, the thick toast
looked inviting. Thick pillowy toast with enough density and a honeyed
crisp exterior that threw all diet plans out of the window. Did I
already mention the salted caramel icecream was an oral combustion of
savoury and sweet. Orgasmic kind of satisfying and most importantly,
worth every single calorie.
wish I had time to snoop around, buy some of their homemade cookies
home or even stay longer than toast and coffee. Another return on the
cards for sure.

Screams take me home, pronto!

They are so serious about their coffee.

After You, I'm already missing you!
After You Dessert Cafe
Terminal 21

Screams take me home, pronto!

They are so serious about their coffee.

After You, I'm already missing you!
After You Dessert Cafe
Terminal 21
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