Windowsill Pies and Fortnight @ Horne Road

I could speak of my love for Windowsill Pies forever and bore all of you out. Fact is, I am still a huge fan of Windowsill Pies - they should really look into a loyalty card and I would be in the running for chalking up the most stamps.


Until their next new release, it will be all about their truffle pie. Nothing as fancy nor amazing as this yet. I shall spare you all from reading how much I love this - just GO try it!

pumpkin pie

Hot off the menu just for Halloween until end November is Pumpkin Pie ($8), a pulpy and rich pie made of pumpkin puree - simple and such a far cry from the rest of their audacious flavours. Loved every crumb, as usual but the sad news for this is - Blueberry got booted off the menu! Hardcore fans, a little friendly bird whispered it may be back next June. Alas!

Fortnight, as mentioned before, is their savoury arm that is a test kitchen for up and coming cooks.


Nachos always get me at hello. Fried and oily chips with a guacamole so fresh, I love my avocadoes too much.


Meet the taco belles. One filled with a fiesty chicken hearts and another a friendlier pulled pork. I am definitely not an innards person and had issues stomaching the hearts in all its chewy and crunchy texture but the pulled pork was easier on the palette.

I reckon the above is long gone from the menu but should you see it again, please catch it while you can!

Windowsill Pies
78 Horne Road
