Civet cat poop coffee is otherwise known as Luwak Coffee in Bali. The entire stretch is peppered with shops selling the same thing. With its limited quantities, I wonder if all of the coffee is true and true luwak.
Before the cafe proper, there was a miniature botanical garden to walk through. A lovely place with chilly temperatures...nice!

Spotted a snake skin fruit tree...

How about some cocoa?

Chilli padi!

Luwak coffee beans...!

Frying of luwak coffee beans produced a lovely aroma.

The gorgeous view from the cafe, perched high up on the hill. Breathtaking it is, with the freshest air and lushest of scenery...ultimate bliss!

What we were there for.

Not so expensive afterall...! At IDR 50,000, I get to try 6 different beverages...!

Illusion at its fullest, the mirror cleverly positioned to broaden the visual perception of the place.

The famous civet cat poop coffee..deeply aromatic and intense coffee. The coffee sediments gave this a very rustic taste, though I am not too huge a fan of this. Meant to awaken those even in the deepest of slumber, powerful coffee here.

The rest of the lineup;
Female Bali Coffee
Not sure how to describe the taste but I find their coffee strong.
Ginseng Coffee
My favourite of the lot for the sweet aftertaste though ginseng was barely discernible.
Hot Cocoa
Almost like cadbury's.
Ginseng Tea
More like tea with ginseng than ginseng tea.
Lemongrass Tea
Just another that smelt really great.

Arriabata coffee, new on the menu and samples were given out!

Spotted these on the table..

Did not know these were actually made for smoking!

Handrolled ciggies anyone?

Gently take the sides of the paper and roll in the main ingredient gingerly.

Ready for a puff? So cool...looks just like a cig off the pack!

Venture somemore and you land yourself at the doorstep of their souvenir shop - retailing everything from seasonal fruits to luwak coffee powder.

Samples for testing. Those above were like mini melons - sour in the middle but sweet at the sides.

How about some passionfruit? I'm still not a fan of the raw form of it.
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