Cafe Deco is one of the largest dining places in Venetian Macau that can take up to 2000 people all at once! They have an resident band that plays nightly though I did not have a chance to enjoy any of that. Morning breakfast begins early and bright at 630am.

Spotting a buffet line that drags on for at least a kilometer, the choices are mind boggling. The crowds rival the buffet line too, at any one point...there is someone hovering around the tray and piling his plate mountain high.

Pastries that were sunbathing under the warm lighting. Stealthily I filled the plate, one after another...and soon, it was carb-laden.
Crusty croissants, apple turnovers, almond croissants and moist mini muffins are just a few of breakfast perk me ups!

French Toast drizzled with maple syrup...it's been a darn long while my breakfast began on such a high sugary note! Yummy!

Dimsum galore for the adventurous.Skip everything except the custard dumpling.

A farmer's breakfast? Cafe Deco fares better at the western than eastern delights.

Fried egg, ham, smoked salmon...on my imaginary toast.

Nothing too memorable from the plate of here-there-everywhere.

A bit of this and that gets you filled up quite unknowingly. I could not resist trying out their Indian cuisine.The most memorable had to be this that looked like potato salad but was actually made of grains.
Wasn't too impressed by Cafe Deco, it's a place more for variety than taste. Horrendous crowds too.
Cafe Deco
Venetian Macau
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