Beok & Zeit @ Rothenburg, Germany

Cafes like these are plentiful in Germany...well in fact Europe as a whole. No matter what time of the day, no matter which day of the week...people will be seen taking a sip by the streets with a cigarette in hand or simply soaking in the sun with a slice of cake. Leisure is what I crave for especially more so after the trip!

Schwarzwalder Kirchtorte (1,90€)

Blackforest cake is what its normally known as, unbeknownst to most it actually hails from South Germany.

The cake is named after the mountain range in south-western Germany but the local specialty liquor distilled from tart cherries called Schwarzwälder Kirschwasser, or abbreviated Schwarzwälder Kirsch, the ingredient that gives the cake a special kick, due to the distinctive cherry pit flavor and the alcoholic content. - Wiki oh wiki...what would I do without you?

So the alcohol differentiates the German version from the rest.

Wonderfully layered chocolate sponge with fresh cream, cherry jell-o and liquored cherries, this was divine.

Quarkkuchen (1,45€)

Another German specialty...a german version of cheesecake! Quark is a type of cheese that is made by warming sour milk, alternatively it is known as cottage cheese. This had a lovely foamy texture (heavier than Japanese cheesecake) is a hybrid of American and Japanese cheesecake in fact. Not too cloying...


I enjoyed the tea so much and was definitely stuffed but another pretzel would not hurt. Served as a great chewy snack on the way back to Frankfurt!

Lemon Schneeball

Ahh..the last schneeball of the trip. Lemon and schneeballs are perhaps the bestest combination after hazelnut.

Leisurely that was long deserved. Unforgettable indeed.

Beok & Zeit


  1. I love liquored cherries and I do agree this makes blackforest cake special.

    Wiki is our best friend :)

  2. heh ^5 to wiki being our best friend. :) lucky yooooou, you get free access to the best blackforest!


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