Vitalgaufre @ Louise Louiza Station

Vitalgaufre's main sales tactic is to situate their outlet right smack outside the train station and largely bases its sales on walk ins and takeaways. We were distracted by the fragrance, honestly. Freshly baked pizzas, rows of them had me drooling on the spot. It could be the state of delirium that made me choose Italian cuisine over Belgium.

Margherita Pizza (2,50 €)

Hot off the oven, it smelt heavenly. Four types of cheeses though I cannot discern which. The crust was what I found fault with. Almost like a crusty biscuit, not even bread. 

Waffle (1,60 €)

The first brush with their waffles. I swore vowed promised myself to try anything when I first saw them. There it was, sitting innocently on top the waffle pan, ready to be reheated and served. Brushed with caramlised sugar, it was slightly burnt. One bite, two bites...I wondered quietly, is this such a great deal? Ordinary waffle that perhaps did not qualify as their famous export...I was disappointed.

Louise Louiza Station
