Hotel Rendezvous Takeaways

The takeaway corner at Hotel Rendezvous makes it so easy for commuters to pickup a pastry or cake to quell the hunger pangs.

smoked chix sandwich
Ciabatta Sandwich with Smoked Chicken and Salad

Loved the smokey fragrance about this and slight spicy kick from the condiments.

smoked salmon

Walnut Sandwich with Smoked Salmon and Pickles 

No secret how huge a smoked salmon-anything fan I am. Slices of savoury smoked salmon with the most delish pickles ever! I like the gherkins in my Mc hamburger but the sharp taste does get to me somehow. These are milder and well, perked the appetite quite abit. Loved the walnut bits that made this oh-so-wholesome.

Their sandwiches are by no means gourmet-bite-sized, it could honestly rival Subway for hearty portions.

$5.90 each

Hotel Rendezvous
