Chinatown wet market holds deep childhood memories for me. Tottering after the Mom who would weave in and out of the market with such familiarity during her weekly marketing sessions. Chinatown market then, was wetter than wet, dirty and the people were loud. Cantonese speaking folks all over, imagine pot bellied uncles and plump aunties who associated volume with authority, the way they clucked like hens when customers tried to bargain an extra ten cents down...I relish wet market visits till this day..nevermind getting my sponge slippers all wet and sodden with fish scales, that bit of the past that still enthralls me. Chinatown market's one of those places that still kills upon order (as gross as that sounds), I saw jumping bull frogs, slithering eels...
Of course, years later...I'm grateful to the mother for all those wet market visits. And what's a wet market visit without the yummy food upstairs? Teochew Market Bak Chor Mee had queues that dragged for ages. Two conclusions, the cook is slow or, the food is really so good.

Sometimes choices are a bad thing..or leaves you confused after awhile.
Mee Kia, Mee Pok, Kuay Teow
Anyway, the above was a $3 order.

The chilli oil-vinegar kind of bothers me, in all density. But otherwise, I'm quite liking the punch both condiments pulled off with the springy noodles. The ingredients used are quite generous as compared to the other bak chor mees I've tried, relative to the price. I've already had it for two weeks running, the only grouse...the slow cook! A rough guide? Be prepared to wait for at least 20 minutes, if you are lucky.
Teochew St Minced Meat Noodle
#02-021 Chinatown Hawker
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