Baked Mooncakes 2009

This love for food works like a double edged sword, it kills with all the calorie intake yet takes you to places, through phases and tastes that leave you in awe. Mid-Autumn is a time for Hotels, Restaurants..Bakeries even to steal abit of the Mooncake Pie to impress with flavours and variety...a good chance to showcase flexibility.

I'm torn between Baked and Snowskin for a clear goes 2009's taste chart!

Szechuan Court by Fairmont Hotel

Baked Peach-shaped Mooncake with Single Yolk & Macadamia Nuts in White Lotus Paste ($48)

Visually very appealing with the peach shape. Lotus paste is generous but the skin is a tad too thin. The mooncake could have been slightly over baked as the skin peeled off in certain parts upon cutting. Not too sweet and smooth lotus paste is a winning factor here.

Wing Wah
Baked White Lotus Paste with Single Yolk (HKD 35/pc)

A household name in Hongkong, they are so famous..they are even in the airport! The oil in the mooncake is evident but that gave the mooncake a smoother richer finish.

Hyatt Hotel
Plain White Lotus Seed Paste Mooncake ($46+)

Absolutely loving the red-silver combination...modern traditionalist design.

The white lotus paste was amazing when I first tried it last year...this year, it wowed again. The beauty lies in the creamy finish when it glides down the throat. The white lotus paste is not too sweet and the pastry is not too oily nor dry. No regrets jumping onto the Hyatt bandwagon! Hyatt is relatively lowkey in this whole booming mooncake business, at least they are not available at any bazaar in shopping malls. Discounts are only accorded to Hyatt Club members. Behind all that exclusivity lies one hidden gem.
