Seems like everyone is bent on milking the most from their birthday celebrations, from Paulaner's 10th Birthday and now BreadTalk's about 8th?
Yesyes, I know..this is long overdue.

Nacho Cheese
The bun version of KFC's Cheezy Fries, complete with spring onions. Yummy delight!

Sakura An Pan (New!)
Another visually appealing creation...I was expecting the dried sakura to be sweet..turns out to be pickled. Pity the An Pan did not have whole azuki beans.
Looks like a sunflower with the scattering of sunflower seeds. I did not agree with the pumpkin-custard within..tasted just funny.
Fried Chicken Pan
Just chicken nuggets on top a bun with teriyaki sauce, not a favourite at all.
Japan Sweet Potato (New!)
I'll have to give BreadTalk credit for breads that look like the real stuff...this looked exactly like a baked sweet potato, flaky charred skin and all! Pity the flaky charred skin did no more than serving its ornamental purpose. The mashed sweet potato and bread was not...that complementary afterall.
I'll have to give BreadTalk credit for breads that look like the real stuff...this looked exactly like a baked sweet potato, flaky charred skin and all! Pity the flaky charred skin did no more than serving its ornamental purpose. The mashed sweet potato and bread was not...that complementary afterall.
Raisin Loaf
Sugar coated bun with lots of raisins...much like the neighbourhood bakery, only differing in the chewy bread.
Apple King
Shaped like an apple and baked with a slice of apple..visually it was too cute to resist. What's hidden within was a disappointment, just apple cubes in cream.
Kaya Roulette Kaya
Resembled Roti Boy with the crust, the coconut shavings and light kaya made this a nice tea time snack. I could not resist slapping on Glory's that tasted much better!
Bak Kwa Bread
Another of my favourite...the mini bak kwa bits are generously folded into the bread.
Teriyaki Chicken (New!)
I was lucky enough to nab some from their latest Japanese collection. Speckled with sesame seeds, looks like the yam delight they have...I declare myself a non-fan though I loved the chewy doughy bread! The teriyaki chicken combination tasted unlike Teriyaki to say the least.
Chocolate Croissant
Certified buttery and generously draped with chocolate.
9 whole years of innovation...and they're still churning out new creations every now and then. I don't love all their creations but variety is King.
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