The earliest introduction to cereals came about with Kelloggs, breakfast cereal. I don't think any of us wld've missed the white box with a rooster and commercials on the telly every now and then. I literally grew up with this morning must-have. Gone were the days were cereals were just cereals, what's infiltrated the consumer market is cereals of all sorts of flavours, shapes, designs...! A couple of favourites along the way!
Cereal + Fresh Milk = A good way to start your morning!
I'm still loving the post range of cereals after so long. It's been quite a while since I've been introduced to their delectable range. I can eat this for breakfast, as a snack...anytime!
Banana Nut Crunch

The first introduction to Post cereal. Cereal never quite tasted the same after I tried Banana Nut Crunch. You really taste banana muffins in this! I wonder if banana muffins are made with these. ;)
Great Grains-Raisins Dates Pecans

My current love. It's not as cloying sweet as the banana nut crunch, I love the pecan bites and dates in them!
Blueberry Morning

The dried blueberries in these make cereal more wholesome this way. I always thought strawberries were given in the packet when the commercials showed the fresh strawberries being dropped into the bowl. Naive on my part I admit, but hey! Post made it possible with these sweet dried blueberries and almond flakes!
Cranberry Almond Crunch

I love cranberries, so this made cereal all the yummier. Another yummy one.
Maple Pecan Crunch.

The sweetest of the bunch.
All these are zero in transfat! <-- Now then I realise that! :) Makes eating it all the better.
Honey Bunches: Honey/Almond/Strawberry

Another delicious offering from Kraft. Crunchy cornflakes with a hint of honey/almond flakes. I prefer the honey one better. The strawberry's on the sour side.
Oreo O's

I don't mind these oreo-flavoured cereal at all! At least reduces the guilt of chomping down the all time favourite american snack. I guess what makes this less enjoyable is...the open, lick, dunk action you'd do with oreos. Other than that, a good enough option.

Coco pops, frosties...froot jacks...rice krispies and the list of childhood cereals just goes on and on with this family favourite. Of the lot, my favourite is undeniably frosties! Sugar-coated cornflakes brings back just so much of the past. :)
Like their muesli bars, this is the closest to rabbit food that one can ever find! Pardon the rudeness but I'll give them props for being the healthiest as well. On the sweet side with all the raisins that go into it but it's very healthy given most of the goodness that goes into it is in the raw form. PLUS, it fills the tummy really wouldn't feel a least bit hungry for quite a while after eating it!
Weetbix Crunch - Honey

This has none of the nuts or dried fruit but stands good on its own! Weetabix in bite size portions, uber yummy! I can snack on this on its own without the milk, reminds of Gardenia's tagline "So good you can even eat it on its own."
Honey Graham Oh's

Delicious! Crunchy corn and oat rings, filled with graham cracker bits, crispy rice and honey. Makes a perfect snack more so than cereal...tastes really good too! I can crunch on this all day long.
=) I hope your cereal favourite is somewhere in my list as well! If not, share yours!
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