Durian Cake @ Carlton Hotel


Every other year, the sis would request for Durian Cake for her birthday cake so I should think we are this close to trying all the durian cakes around!

durian cake

This time it was Carlton's. They have two types of durian cakes available - Durian cake and Durian Mousse yet it's priced the same and supposedly "the same" according to the lady over the counter.

In all its creamy delight and piped designs, candles were blown and the dear sister is one year older! Visually it was quite a tease with the cake looking like a durian with the piped spikes but the colour was a tad too white for comfort - almost darlie white!

durian cake

The light whipped cream is sweet to taste though would have been ideal if it were durian cream instead. Sponge cake with a layer of durian cream, bearable for the non-durian addict whilst the durian hardcores thought this was too light.

The other durian cake alternatives

Hotel Rendezvous
Goodwood Park

Carlton Hotel
